
We work with state-of-the-art ROV technology, grounding measurement equipment and georadar. We know that our clients’ challenges are demanding, which is why we work with the best to guarantee a precise and reliable service

Using state-of-the-art technology, we can perform accurate and reliable inspections to detect potential problems before they cause significant damage


The use of ROVs (Remotely Operated Remote Vehicles) allows us to inspect places that are difficult to access, to obtain a detailed and accurate view of the structure and its surroundings. Our teams have laser meters to take measurements underwater, double sonar to establish stability with millimeter precision, a variety of samplers and cameras, 10,000 lumens of autonomous lighting with an HD-4K camera.

V6 Pro Plus

FIFISH PRO V6 PLUS is an expert in advanced underwater solutions. With a diving depth of 150 meters, a remote control charger, a rolling industrial case, spare propellers and a robotic arm (with extra grippers).


Fifish Qysea Underwater drone is capable of swimming in any direction while recording 4K video or taking 12MP photos, 6 thrusters for omnidirectional control. Two 2000 lumen lights.

Earth Resistance Measurement

Grounding measurement allows us to detect electrical problems in underwater structures, which is essential to guarantee their safety.

MPI 502

The Sonel MPI-502 meter is a multifunctional measuring instrument. Despite its compact dimensions, the device offers a wide range of functions and also impresses with its ergonomic shape and a very robust casing.

MI 3102

It is a multifunction measurement equipment that performs a complete set of installation safety tests according to the IEC/EN 61557 standard, allowing it to monitor line voltage, check the phase sequence and measure ground resistance, illuminance and TRMS current.


A georadar is a geophysical instrument that allows projecting in images the waves it perceives from the subsoil in a non-invasive or destructive way.


Locate the position of all types of cables and pipes, for their marking.

Shows the position of your surveys in Google Earth™ and other geo-referencing programs.

Add markers using the touchscreen to highlight features of interest.

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